About Us

Welcome to the OCC!

The Original Congregational Church is looking for you! We are so glad you are checking us out online.

The church is God’s house of prayer. Our Lord says, “Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am in your midst.”

We are called into God’s house to worship, to pray, and to serve with joy as we work towards God’s vision of peace for all people and love for all creation.

We look to the Holy Scriptures saying, “What is God asking of us?”

The prophets of old tell us that our core mission and values may be summarized in this way, we are “to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humble with God.”

If you ask us here at the OCC “why do you come to church?” You hear these replies: To be encouraged; to hear about Jesus, God and faith life; to be with friends; to offer my kids a joyful and safe setting to learn about God; to deepen my relationship with God; to connect with a purpose and wisdom larger than my own; to share in service and outreach projects that make a difference to others; I love the music; I love the coffee and refreshments; I’m glad to meet neighbors and make new friends.

Jesus says, “Come follow me!” We invite you to come and share with us in our mission here at the OCC to give thanks and to share in all of God’s blessings.

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