Mailing address: P.O. Box 657, Wrentham, MA 02093
Physical Address: 1 East Street, Wrentham, MA 02093
Church phone: 508-384-3110
Church fax: 508-384-3110
Church e-mail:
Church WebSite:
Office Hours: Tuesday thru Friday 9:00am-3:00pm. Closed Monday.
Summer hours: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00am-3:00pm (July 4th thru 1st Tuesday in September)

We are located in the center of Wrentham, overlooking the Wrentham Common. Parking is available in the back parking lot off Dedham Street (Route 1A). Additional Parking is available in the town parking lot across Dedham Street.
From the North:
From Route 95 S take exit 9 towards Foxboro/Wrentham. Follow US Route 1 South to East Street, just past Chace Lumber on your right. Take a left at the end of the ramp onto Route 140 North. The Original Congregational Church is approximately 3 miles on the right, at the Corner of Route 1A and 140. The church overlooks the Wrentham Center Commons in the center of town.
From the East, West or South:
From Interstate 495 take exit 15, Route 1A, Wrentham and Plainville. Turn right onto Route 1A north, towards Wrentham center (heading away from Wrentham Outlets). Follow Route 1A (South Street) approximately 2.5 miles to the second traffic light at the intersection with Route 140. The church is immediately in front overlooking the Wrentham Center Commons.